Monday, May 12, 2008

Got Triplets?

I first met Payton, Parker & Preston about 6 months ago and just last week I got to visit them again to capture their 2nd birthday photos. We spent a chill afternoon hanging out at their house and exploring in the back yard. Payton
Preston and Parker are identical but I'm fairly confident that the following photo is Preston (I LOVE it because you can see the other 2 in the background)
and Parker (I think :)
Big Sis Helena is celebrating a milestone birthday as well (a whole hand old!!) She is such a little rockstar and I could have taken photos of her ALL afternoon.
She looks so mature here. An absolute beauty.

Preston would flash the cutest smile at me but only after he would shove peanut butter pretzel sandwiches in my mouth. It was funny and quite delicious.
I was hiding under the playground to get this photo. After which I immediately went running and flailing about since I found a mini hornets nest under there. Scary!

Snack time x's 3
In the corner of their dining room they have all the kiddo's hand prints on the wall. It's so cute.
Mama Denise is such a beautiful woman both inside and out and is a fantastically sweet mother. I was so glad when she wanted to do a few photos of herself for her husband. I think it's important for every woman to get some beautiful photos of themselves done from time to time so they can remember just how beautiful they are.
I just love this one of her laughing.
Happy Mother's Day to Denise and all my other mothers out there!!


Anonymous said...


Once again you captured my granchildern and my daughter Denise as the really are. You do such wonderful work and make every shot count.
I can not wait to see how you have captured my sons family, his girls will look just beautyful. I know they ejoyed working with you just as Densie does.
I can not say enough about your work, I know that Gradmom Beverly is going to have a tough time picking out new photos for here wall.

Pop George

Erin J. Photography Blog said...

Awesome as always!

Danielle said...

Helena IS SO a rock star with those glasses! Gorgeous!

I can't imagine the FUN times with three boys! Well, sort of I can, but all toddler boys! So fun!

My favorite is mom laughing. Timeless! I would love to have had a picture of my mom like this- being herself and laughing!

Great job!!!

Anonymous said...

Stevie, I have 5 mo. old triplets myself and am looking for some photo ideas it's to bad we live so far apart ILOVE YOUR WORK! You trueely hav ethe style I'm looking for youcapture all the things wonderfula bout triplets! Keep up the good work. Ashley Smith