Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Locks of Love

The weekend before last I had the opportunity to take part in a great event for Locks of Love at a local hair salon. Rodney Laws Studio along with Whirlwind Catering hosted the event and it was a big success. Participants paid $65 which included a haircut and style, manicure and a delicious spread of food all day long with the proceeds being donated to the American Cancer Foundation. My dear friend Cindy is the owner of Whirlwind Catering and the night before the event (in between her mad rush to finsh all the food) went to the salon and got her hair all chopped off to donate to Locks of Love. It looks fabulous!

Here are a few random shots that I captured throughout the morning.

These cinnamon rolls were delicious and my mouth is watering just thinking about them. If you are in the area and looking for any kind of catering need you simply must contact Cindy.

This handsome devil is Rodney himself!
I just love his salon. It is located by the Annapolis Mall on Oak Ct. It's a row of cute houses that have all been zoned for commercial use so it is just so cozy and inviting.

Rodney kept everyone laughing all day long.
We even had several children take part in the event and I couldn't resist this shot of these cute little feet.

The beautiful Nora.
And hot mama Dawn working her magic.
We had 2 brave girls agree to chop off their long locks to donate and of course I had to document the whole process.
Here is the before photo.
I just love this shot of Megan looking on while Jessica is getting her hair chopped. I think she might have been a wee bit nervous.

Megan awaiting her own hair chop.

Megan's mom is a cancer survivor and lost all of her hair while she was battleing cancer so it was a pretty big deal for their family. In fact her entire family drove down from New Jersey to watch the whole thing. It was great! Here is Megan and her beautiful momma.
Mom held her hand during the haircut.

I love this shot of Jessica and Megan with Megan's mom as the paparazzi.

Once they were all styled I of course had to make them step outside for a little imprompu photo shoot.
They looked STUNNING!

Next up is the cutest little thing ever. Miss Lilly getting her first haircut EVER!!!
She wasn't sure what to think of the whole ordeal and was so adorable.
In the below photo she is holding her little ponytail that just got cut off.
It was a very serious event in her little life and I loved that I was there to document it.
Nora's beautiful mom (who also happens to be a recent cancer survivor) stopped by for the event too so I had to grab a few of these wonderful women.
Now I know where Nora gets her looks from. They are gorgeous!
It was such a fun day and I was so glad to be able to be a part of it.
Do yourself a favor and stop in at Rodney Law Studios to get your new Spring haircut and tell him Stevie sent you. You can make an appt by calling 410-897-5999. Start out the Spring in style!!
And don't forget Cindy with Whirlwind Catering for your next big party!!

1 Comment:

Armin DeFiesta said...

Fun pics of a good cause!