Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day! I spent part of my day making re-cycled items: mostly from felted sweaters. I cut the sleeves off of sweaters and made them into coozies and wine bottle covers. The wine covers are great for gifting bottles of wine. I have since sewn on some buttons and other decorative goodness but these photos were from half way through the project. I thought I would beautify our yard by picking up some new flowers. I'll post some more photos of that once I get them planted. I wanted to plant a dogwood tree in our front yard but we kind of have a weird soft ground/sink hole situation going on. I think we should be more concerned about that than we are.
Let me know if you know any good veggi dishes for me to try.
Great pics of the veggie sandwich!! Looks delish!
Just tagged you in my blog! Go take a look.
And I'd like to apologize in advance! :-)
Wow those sweater-based coozies was quite resourceful! Oh hi! I found you through my friend Erin J :)
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