Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mt. Vernon Gardens

This was my first shoot with my new lenses and my new Shootsac which made it especially exciting for me. I tried hard to contain my excitement and not make my self sound like a geek by raving all about my new gear to this poor unsuspecting family.
This family was so much fun and really kept me on my toes. I would be taking photos of one child and another would be crawling up my back. It was so funny. Here are just a few of my favorites from the morning.
This little guy was too fun and he is at such a sassy stage. I love it!

I couldnt' resist posting this photo. What a classic photo of trying to get the 3 siblings together. We have one attempting to smile, 1 that is bored out of his mind and 1 that is mistaking our attempt at creating art as torture. So funny!

I love the face on the little man in this photo. That really sums up his personality. He had me cracking up all morning. Thanks guys!!