Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Enjoying the Weather!

I've been hibernating for way too long now and i'm starting to itch for springtime. It turned out to be a beautiful day here today so I decided to take advantage of it. Since I haven't been out shooting "just for fun" in awhile I invited my friend Kiki out on a photo adventure to scope out new areas and breathe some fresh air. First we stopped at a house in Ashland that looked interesting.

Then we moved on to a familiar abandoned house. We tried to no avail to get inside. With boarded up windows my imagination goes crazy on what might be inside.

I have no idea what this stuff is but it was growing all over 1 side of the house.

Our final stop was the The Holy Family Shrine, a beautiful church with all glass walls.. Although we just missed closing we still were able to enjoy the view from outside. We will come back another day to explore.